If you are a student in a university, most of your professors would require you to write several essays about different topics. Some of these topics are very complicated, which may cause issues for other students.
In addition, not all students have the same writing capabilities. While others can write lengthy essays, some may struggle with poor writing skills. If you belong to the latter group, you have probably tried different methods to overcome your problem. And even used a writing essay company to help you out.
With the number of agencies offering essay writing services, it is not easy for you to find one. However, how you will maintain a good relationship between the two of you might be hard to overcome. If you feel something is not right with your relationship with an essay writing company, you have landed in the right place.
Here are the top seven signs your relationship with different services is toxic, according to a last minute essay paper service:
1. You Feel You Are Not Free To Share Your Thoughts
Communication is one of the frameworks of any form of a healthy relationship. If you hired an essay writing service and they don’t consider your thoughts and ideas in crafting the paperwork, you are probably in a toxic relationship. Otherwise, they will ask you several questions that let you feel involved in the writing process.
2. It Seems Everything is a Competition
You hire an essay writing service to help you with your paperwork. But, if you feel you are competing with the writer, you are probably in a toxic relationship. Although competition is good at first, it can cause resentment and insecurity on your part as time goes on. So, if the writer does not support your ideas on how to make your paperwork better, it is time to leave and look for a new one.
3. Toxic Communication
Another way to determine if you are in an unhealthy relationship with essay services is by analyzing how they communicate with you. Sometimes, writers in an essay writing company may blame you for things they have done wrong.
For example, your professor didn’t accept your essay because of its irrelevance to the given topic. And when you communicate with the agency you hired, the writer will blame you for the mistake they made rather than accepting it.
4. Disrespect
Disrespect is another red flag you should pay attention to determine if your relationship with essay services is toxic. A toxic person uses different ways to disrespect and invalidate yourself. Some of these include criticism and embarrassment. Aside from that, they will disrespect the boundaries you settled and continue to do things that are not part of their job.
5. Everything is About Them
Do you feel like they always choose what to put on your paperwork and don’t give you a chance to share what you think can improve the work? Toxic individuals can make everything about them and even take your rights to control the situation. They may show signs that they care about your opinions, but in the end, they will always prioritize their OPINIONS in writing the essay.
6. They Are Manipulative
Toxic individuals are simply manipulators. They are good at manipulating your behavior to the point you will question whether it is a good idea to change things they have prepared. Beyond that, a toxic manipulator knows how to guilt-trip you. They make you feel guilty over things they have done wrong.
7. They Do Not Respect Your Time
You are hiring essay services because you lack time to do the work. One red flag of toxic essay writing services is that they do not respect your time. For instance, you have set your deadline within three days. However, the writer failed to submit your work and even blamed you for it.
Final Thoughts
Toxicity is not only present for people in a romantic relationship. You can also deal with toxic individuals in a different field, such as the essay writing industry. If you hired someone to do the paperwork for you, you want to build a good relationship with them for a successful result.
However, if they show these signs of toxicity, it is time to step back and look for other essay writing agencies that could give you better services.