When you require money but don’t want to deal with the dilemma of borrowing from family or loved ones, a personal loan may be a real blessing. You may quickly and simply obtain a personal loans, whether you need it for short-term money for medical expenditures, a wedding or overseas trip, home remodeling, or abroad study costs.
It is essential that you know not every bank provides the same personal loans. The loan dofferes in terms of EMIs, interest rates and term of the loan. This is one of the big reasons why you should compare different banks before going through with the decision of a personal loan. Here is a personal loan bank list:
HDFC Bank Personal Loan
When it comes to established banks, HDFC needs no recognition. The same can be said for the personal loans from HDFC. With interest rates ranging from 10.50% p.a. to 21.00% p.a. and loan amounts of up to Rs. 15 lakh with terms of 12 to 60 months, it is obvious why most people choose HDFC.
TurboLoan by Cholamandalam personal loan
The minimum and maximum age requirements for this personal loan are 21 and 60, respectively. It is unmatched with a 15% annual interest rate and a loan amount up to Rs. 5 lakh. They provide loans with terms between 12 and 48 months.
SBI Personal Loan
Let’s be real here. Anyone who hasn’t heard of SBI has been living under a rock. It is sometimes refer to as our worldwide bank and offers its clients and personnel the best SBI personal loans. The bank provides a Click this variety of personal loan options with varying interest rates.
PNB Personal Loan
PNB is renown for its dependability and consistency, offering loans with interest rates ranging from 8.7% per annum to 14.25% per annum, amounts ranging from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 10 lakh, or 20 times the monthly net income, and terms of 15 times the gross monthly income up to a highest of Rs. 10 lakh.
Axis Bank Personal Loan
“Badhti Ka Naam Zindagi”- and they stand behind it. Axis Bank is renown for its honesty and helpfulness with interest rates ranging from 12% p.a. to 21% p.a. and loan amounts up to Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 15 lakh with terms of 12 to 60 months. And it is why they are list in this personal loan bank list.
Canara Bank Personal Loan
Canara Bank is no longer the newest thing in town when it comes to personal loans. The Canara Bank Teachers’ Personal Loan and the Canara Bank Budget Personal Loan are two different types of loans that they offer. For such versatility, it is on the list of personal loan bank list.
Mahindra Finance Personal Loan
No, we are not talking about the gorgeous Mahindra cars. Mahindra Finance is yet another king of the jungle when it comes to personal loans. It is obvious why it is in the same discussion with SBI personal loan. With the loan interest of up to 26% p.a. and the loan amount of up to Rs. 3 lakh- it is one of the most sought-after personal loans.
IDBI Bank Personal Loan
It is obvious why it is on the list with a loan interest rate of 8.15% – 10.90% p.a. and a loan amount of Rs.25,000 to Rs.5 lakh with a duration of 12 to 60 months.
Indian Overseas Bank Personal Loan
It makes sense why it is one of the most sought-after personal loans with a loan interest rate of 10.80% p.a. and a loan amount of up to Rs. 5 lakh with a period of up to 60 months.
UCO Bank
Last on our personal loan bank list is UCO bank. A personal loan program is available from UCO Bank that has been design to cover a range of costs and other commitments. Loan repayment is possible over 48 EMIs.
You must be aware that not all banks provide the same kind of personal loans. It is one of the main justifications for comparing several banks before making a personal loan selection.
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