The real estate market has evolved drastically. Starting with smaller projects that served only the needs of an end user to actually building marvels that cater to not only an end user’s needs but their luxuries, status quo, as well as their own pride, Real Estate surely has come a long way.
Up until last year the permission process for a new project in any part of Telangana seemed like boulders on one’s head. Lengthy, time consuming, and tedious taking a permission from the government to build anything ranging from buildings, villas, or duplexes to commercials, tenaments and more, would take ages before Minister KT Rama Rao enforced TS-bPASS (Telangana State Building Permission Approval And Self-Certification System) that promises decisions well within a stipulated time period from the day of application. The introduction of TS-bPASS made getting municipal permission for house construction in Telangana 2020 a lot more organised, fast and convenient. Be it gated community villas in Hyderabad or massive buildings it has now become important to understand the GHMC building permission rules before applying for the permission and giving your planned project a real kickstart.
According to the GHMC Act 1955, taking prior permission from the GHMC is a mandatory. TS-bPASS, a single integrated platform for processing of various permissions required during development of land and construction of buildings through self-certification system has made life of builders multi-folds better. Before we go any further, let’s run you through some of the most important GHMC setback rules 2021 pdf. The factors that get considered are:
- Type and nature of the building
- The layout of the proposed building must meet the conditions laid out by the authorities related to building permission rules in Hyderabad.
- The kind of infrastructural development
- Admission fees, development charges, regularisation charges, building license fees, scrutiny fees, demolition fees and many other costs are taken before issuing building permission. Before that TS-BPASS Building Permission Charges a nominal fee of Re. 1 for registration. How cool and convenient is that!
With all the infrastructural development that has been taking place it becomes very important for all the town planning authorities to safeguard historic structure and other built necessities like oil and gas lines to avoid any damage. Planning a city’s growth requires the authorities to be considering factors that sometimes don’t even cross our minds and hence permissions have become necessary.
The permission process is well organised. Let’s make the process an easy one for you. Starting with the documentation, here’s a list for you to refer to.
For a building of height 10 Mts and above
- Rightfully signed building application by the Owner, Builder, Architect, Structural Engineer.
- Auto CAD drawings of the building plans in PreDCR format, including the plans of the location, site, contour, terrace, rainwater harvesting pits along with the mortgage plan signed adequately by the owner, builder, architect/engineer/surveyor, structural engineer. You would also need a detailed drawings of each floor, parking floors, building elevations, cross section & longitudinal section.
- A building permit / license fee of Rs.10,000/- must be paid as an initial fee through an online payment.
- Declaration forms appropriately signed by the owner and attested by Gazetted Officer.
- License copy of architect, structural engineer, builder issued by GHMC attested by Gazetted Officer
- Ownership and linked documents attested by gazetted officer.
- Latest encumbrance certificate issued by the registration department. If in case the existing building in the site was sanctioned previously, the plan copies of the same must also be provided.
- Up to date property tax receipt.
- HMDA issued land use certificate
- NOC from Airport Authority of India – no separate NOC is required if the height of the proposed building is within the permissible height indicated in CCZMs issued by AAI.
- In the same, it should be mentioned whether the restrictions imposed by the Archaeological Survey of India are being followed or not.
- NOC & approved plans from Fire Services Department as per Fire Services Act for buildings 18 meters & above and for all School buildings / Functional halls / Public Congregation building in plots of above 500 sq. mt. or above 6-meter heights and for all Commercial buildings of 15 meters and above.
- Soil test report.
- Structural stability certificate issued by a Licensed Structural Engineer.
- Comprehensive insurance policy for 6 years
- Joint undertaking to be given by the owners, builders and licensed technical personnel
- Any other documents submitted by the applicant.
For a building of height 10 Mts and below
- Legally signed building application by the owner, architect, engineer.
- Building plans through Auto CAD drawings in PreDCR format, with location, site, contour, terrace, rainwater harvesting pits & Mortgage plan signed adequately by the owner, builder, architect/engineer/surveyor and structural engineer. Detailed drawings of each floor, parking floors, building elevations, cross section, longitudinal section is also required.
- A building permit / License Fee of Rs.10,000/- must be paid as an initial fee through an online payment.
- Declaration forms appropriately signed by the owner and attested by gazetted officer.
- License copy of architect, structural engineer, builder issued by GHMC attested by Gazetted officer
- Ownership and linked documents attested by Gazetted Officer.
- Latest encumbrance certificate issued by the registration department. If in case the existing building in the site was sanctioned previously, the plan copies of the same.
- Up to date property tax receipt.
- Land use certificate issued by HMDA.
- N.O.C. & approved plans from fire services department, for school buildings / Functional Hall / public congregation buildings in plots of 500 sq. mts., and above or above 6-meter height as per fire services act.
- Joint undertaking to be given by the owners, builders and licensed technical personnel.
- Any other documents submitted by the applicant.
Now that your list of documents needed is ready, let’s go through the process of making an application. Here you go!
- Fill the application form and submit all documents required with the requisite processing fee.
- ACP (the concerned officer) receives the application form. He then visits the site to take photos and reports his findings online.
- The application is scrutinised at different levels such as Addl. CCP, CCP, Addl. Commissioner (P&P), Commissioner, and Building Committee.
- After passing through all these stages, the Building Committee reviews the recommendations and approves, rejects, or suggests a revision of plans.
- After the Building Committee approves the file, you must pay the GHMC building permission fees.
- GHMC notifies you via SMS and email about the status of the application and the fees due.
- After you pay the fee, the GHMC building permission will be available online to download and print.
Now that you know how to make the application it’s important to know, how to check the status of the same. Isn’t it? Here’s how you can do it.
- After paying the fee, you will get the file number as an SMS on your registered mobile number.
- Check the GHMC building permission status of your application in the submitted application folder.
- GHMC sends SMS and updates the status of the approvals periodically on the website. The different stages of approval include inspection, shortfall letter, rejection letter, fees intimation letter, permission plan, and proceedings.
- After final approval, you will get the GHMC building permission order and sanction plan through email. You can also view and download the permission order once you log in to the website.
Now last but not the least, here’s how to submit an online application form for GHMC Building Permissions.
- Click on “DPMS – Submission of Building Applications Online” .
- You can register either as “Architect/ Engineer/ Surveyor/ LTP’s Registration” or “Developer/ Citizen Registration”.
- Once you complete the registration process, you will select a user-id and password.
- If you have already registered before, you can log in with credentials.
- Once you log in, select “New Application” from the “Applications” tab.
Very informative, this article is all you need to make sure your permission process doesn’t go for a toss. Happy Reading!